Friday, June 09, 2006


Yeah, who said this was a good thing? Not me. What is so cool about same time, same whatever unless you like the same in the first place?

They never mention that part I bet. You know why? That is because they don’t want you to know. They would rather have you think all same stuff is okay. It is a conspiracy to me that is about trying to make sure we are all dull as dirt.

So the way I figure this there are a bunch of dirty rotten creeps with no imagination who can’t think up new stuff so they want to jam their old crap down our throats no matter how boring it is. Only they never talk about it that way.

Instead they pull that stuff about calling the same old thing as new and improved so you won’t know it is really the same. Yep, that just really burns my hide when they pull that crap. I swear I wish they would ask me, I could come up with some good options if they ask.

Take soup for example. Does it have to come in a can? Why can’t they like do something such a soup on a stick? A nice frozen version you could eat like a popsicle? See that was a cool option, but will it ever happen? I doubt it!

Plus if they figured some other means you need a can opener on those stupid cans. I bet that is the idea of the can people who are afraid you could find out how cool things would be in some other container that wasn’t a can.

The one thing people can expect with me is that I will share these important ideas and not let anybody bully me or keep me from talking about them. Yep, I going to see the world doesn’t have to fear those darn can people. Or any other of the same like the box people either.

Now all I got to do is figure a way to come up with something you could use instead of a can or box. Maybe making it edible would be cool too. That would save on trash.

Hmmm, I wonder if you could make a box or can out of crackers very easy? Well you might have trouble putting liquid in crackers. I guess you could use some kind of paint that would be sure it didn’t leak. Some kind with lead perhaps would work good since I hear that would be a way to make sure it didn’t leak.

I wonder if it would tastes okay? I guess you could add some sugar to it. Yep, see that is all the way it could help and I just thought it up without much effort.

I bet we could find all kinds of people to do the same if we tried. Come on folks, put on those thinking caps and save us from the evil container people.

I know we can do it if we try. And I think the world would truly be grateful for cracker container covered in an edible lead paint. At least it wouldn’t be the same thing huh?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "It is pride comes before a fall. If it involves bragging you probably fall down because you got punched in the nose."


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