Friday, June 16, 2006


What I want to know is how the heck is in charge of all the signs they put up along the side of freeways? Now they are always telling us you are suppose to keep your eyes on the road. But then they distract you, but putting up all these big billboards so you can’t help, except be distracted. Is that stupid or what?

I mean if they really want to help why not make them something that is you know really interesting. Most of them are just telling you to buy whatever. Like we don’t already not what to buy.

My thought is that first of all we ought to get rid of all those signs and instead perhaps give everyone a big book. Then perhaps all these dudes who put up these signs could put their crap in the books and we could look at it when not driving. Seems like it might make more sense and be safer too me.

I bet some clown will object by claiming we won’t look at the darn book. Well we could take a test I suppose. Providing the paid us to do it. I figure that would only be fair.

But I reckon we aren’t going to luck out and have anyone do that for us huh? And I imagine nobody is going to get rid of the signs either.

Still if and when I can figure a way I going to find the dudes who make these signs and make a few helpful hints to make them more worthwhile. Like perhaps they could change them more often.

How many times do I have to see the same stupid sing anyway? Some of them never seem to get changed. That is so dang boring if you ask me.

There just have to be a better way of doing this. Not sure what though. But I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot.

Perhaps we could rotate what they talk about. Yeah, we could let regular folks use them from time to time to say something cool. Like maybe, “so and so is a big, fat jerk.”

That seems to be a real popular thing for people to say about each other at times. So maybe we ought to let them put in on a sign so they didn’t have to waste as many words saying it.

Course I guess to be fair we need to take turns in that regard. We could have something such as a big, fat jerk of the week deal.

Hmmm, I wonder if that would be considered as an honor. Not sure if I would want to boast about it though.

Well till I can get a chance to talk to the billboard folks I suppose I’ll have to wait to find out. In the meantime I’m going to keep practicing coming up with cool things to mention. Maybe some poetry would help. I wonder what rhymes with big, fat jerk?

Thought for the week: "How come they call it standing up when it is a sit down strike. I bet somebody stole the chairs while nobody was looking."


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