Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I just can’t even bring myself to imagine what kind of world it would be without any beanies. Oh I suppose there are some people out there who wouldn’t think it was a big deal if there were no beanies. But let me tell you they are in trouble if they think that way.

Now being a big fan of beanie wearing I can honestly say, I look up wearing that kind of hat as a form of freedom. It says, I’m okay, you’re okay.

And as long as we together remain accepting of that fact then I know there is hope for the world yet. You take away that option and it could be down right scary to imagine what we would be expected to give up next.

Some people might snicker when I say that, but those are the kinds of persons who probably don’t give a whole lot of things much thought. That is until the become a crisis, then watch them scream.

For now then as long as I can walk down the street and strut my stuff with my beanie on my head I will feel just fine. If that day comes when somebody makes up a rule that says no beanies in public then I’m going to know we got major problems.

The thing is some of these people who like to control stuff can be so darn sneaky in what they do. Oh they will come up with some lame reason to justify telling us what we can and can’t do.

And sometimes they will make it sound so cool. They will toss out some crap about how this is for our own good. Only it never really is for our good. It is just what they so we won’t be pissed off when they ruin our day.

So for now, I’m always on watch out to be sure not such beanie police start roaming the streets. That is really important from my point of view no matter what others say.

Otherwise, first will go the beanies. Then a whole bunch or fights. Before you know it we are all forced to wear only certain clothes. Afterwards they will tell us what to eat.

Next comes the point where they do crazy crap like putting you before firing squad just for farting. And you know how good that will work out for any of us.

Well before all that happens, I’m going to keep patrolling the streets with my beanie firmly on my head.

Then if by chance one of those creeps wants me to take it off you can be darn sure I’ll make everyone know. Now if you don’t want to hear about it then don’t blame me if you end up cutting the cheese some time and the cops break down your door with their guns ready for a nice game of target practice with your behind.


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