Friday, June 23, 2006


Well after doing that other posting on sacking, I reckon some folks might think that this is what they call “redundant.” I’m not sure who this re guy is who done did it so they shortened it to give him credit for saying junk that has already been said, but I’m still in a mood to talk about this bagging stuff.

For me, I like to use bags some times. Oh the difference between a bag and a sack to me is whether you use it to haul good stuff to eat. That’s might view of it naturally. It might not be how somebody else thinks of it.

But when I go to the mall and see people lugging around all those bags I really do wonder what they are carrying. Not enough to bug them about it. Just enough to wonder.

And I really like when they give you the bag with the name of the store on the side. That way you can show off when you bought something good so that everyone knows what a cool shopper you are.

Course for me, I always prefer to just use the bag from the store where I did the shopping. It just seems more honest that way.

Now my buddy Otis sort of looks at it differently. What he likes to do is to go into some expensive store and buy something cheap. He calls it affordable, but to me it is cheap.

Anyway, he’ll make a big fuss about being sure they put it in a big bag. Then he’ll go over to one of those discount stores and buy something that costs a lot less. Afterwards, he’ll put it inside the bag from the expensive place so people won’t know he really shopped at the cheapo store.

I guess that is a good thing. It sure seems to make him happy I guess. Plus if I go with him he always takes me by the candy store first so I can load up on some jelly beans. I think that he does that in order to be sure I keep my mouth shut about the bag thing.

Which is okay by me as long as I get some jelly beans in the process. Although I do admit that there are the times when I sort of forget. Then we will be sitting there in the food court after he’s done is shopping and I’ll ask him about what he bought.

Only I guess I sort of talk too loud and somebody hears me and then they look at his bag and kind of smirk. Boy does his face get red when that happens. However, the fun part is if I plan it right and make it seem like and accident, he’ll end up buying me extra good stuff to eat so I won’t talk anymore about the bag thing.

Gosh going to the mall can be so much fun when it comes to the bagging thing. And I always know when it will mean a really big meal too. That’s when Otis has some discount coupon from a cheap bargain store. It always means seconds and thirds at the food court for me, depending on how big the bag is that Otis manages to get from the fancy store where he didn’t really do his shopping.

Thought for the week: "Why do they call the funeral 'homes' if you don't really get to stay there unless you are dead? Or are they 'haunted' houses we just don't want to call by that name?"


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