Tuesday, June 27, 2006


There are some things that made sense in life and some that don’t. Two that don’t are broccoli and headcheese. I’m not a big vegetable person myself. I might be, but you know the problem is that stuff you got to drown in salad dressing to sneak up on just can’t excite me. That just doesn’t work for me. I mean how come if vegetables are so dang good for you they can’t taste more like stuff that is really cool? My opinion naturally.

But beyond the vegetable thing I got to ask what is up with this headcheese stuff? I isn’t made just of cheese and ain’t shaped like a head so what is somebody doing by calling it headcheese. Personally I just feel happy as I can be if I never even see the stuff.

As for the people who do like it, well there are entitled to their opinions. It won’t be the first time I’ve known somebody who was weird enough to like something that wasn’t necessarily good.

I suppose that is one of the problems in the world. Everyone has the right to be wrong or whatever. I know if I was a farm and was really serious about growing something everyone loved it wouldn’t be broccoli. I wonder if they make seeds to grow stuff like donuts? Never had a chance to find out and I guess I won’t start now.

In the meantime I reckon I’ll live with this reality that as long as there are strange people in the world I’m going to have to accept going to the grocery store and finding a few strange foods to eat. I only wish they would put them all in the same place so I didn’t even have to go to it.

They do a pretty good job what with putting all the vegetables in one place. But in the grocery store I go to that is right next to the ice cream section. Now they might be suggesting that vegetables might go better with ice cream on them. However, I’m not about to check it out for sure.

Nope for me, they can just keep those veggies where they are and I’ll be happy to run passed it on the way to fetching the ice cream. It works okay for me.

Gosh it would be great if life were simpler huh? But then I do my share to make sure everyone is informed about important stuff like vegetables so they don’t get confused and think of them as some strange kind of ice cream.

That way nobody will come complaining if they stick a hunk of broccoli in a ice cream cone and take a bite and then go yuck. You just know I wasn’t responsible for the yuck part.

As for the headcheese, well one thing I can say, is you just stay clear of anything that says cheese on it that has the word head added. Real cheese won’t do that to you. And I know that is enough of a rule on that subject to work for anyone. So have fun and be careful when shopping. And if you happen to end up with some broccoli in a ice cream cone, don’t try sharing.


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