Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I really hate hearing about this it business. Especially when I have no idea what it is. Or even a clue.

The other day I stopped over at this coffee shop to get something to eat. This dude dressed in what seemed to me like a bed sheet came in and started singing while banging on this tambourine. He was an okay singer I guess. Although I have heard a lot better at times.

Anyway after he got through entertaining us with his version of singing, which seemed more like rap music only he didn’t doing any rhyming and mentioned weird junk like clouds a lot, then he started talking. I got the impression he was trying to sell something only he never did get around to showing me what he was selling.

What he did do was talking about finding it. That was the difficult part since he never quite got around to saying what it was suppose to be.

I listened to him go on and on about finding this it without once saying what the it was. So finally I got tired of listening to that dribble and demanded he explain it or take a hike.

That joker really got me pissed off then. Because then he started talking about being one with the universe. Only again he never said what the one was. Like that was a big help.

So again I let him ramble for a bit and then told him to stop clowning around and either explain this one with the universe crap or leave me alone. I had to say that. That’s when he really started to bug me.

He went into this long conversation about how we are all part of the same life force and need to unite ourselves with our inner essence so we will have harmony with our surroundings. Well the only force I know of that talks about uniting stuff is the police force so I asked him if that meant we were to like take a cop to lunch or something since he mentioned something about surroundings.

Let me tell you that sure was a mistake. At that point he got to talking again about how important it was that you find it before you could achieve harmony. So there we were back on the subject of this it thing again.

Eventually, I just gave him a couple of bucks since he kept hinting about how money was bad unless you shared it. He seemed pretty happy with that part. Then he just went outside and started talking to some other people. Or I should say he tried. Most of them wouldn’t stop long enough to give him a chance.

I suppose if I learned anything out of this it would probably be that the it you got to find is in the same place you find your pocket book and oneness with the universe is a dollar bill. Gee I wonder if you can have a five, ten or twenty with the universe?


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