Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Okay whose got these golden lungs that they can call them a treasure chest. I reckon it has something to do with singing, but not sure why that is a good treasure.

I suppose everyone is entitled to their idea of a treasure chest no matter how weird it might seem to ordinary folks. But as far as I’m concerned that ain’t really my idea of the kind of treasure I’m crazy about.

Otis took me once to see this think they call an opera. And the dude doing most of the signing was called a tender. Boy let me tell you from the way he was bellowing I reckon he had a really bad case of hemorrhoids or something. Which might have explained why he spent the whole time standing up.

Man if I had to shout like that from that kind of pain the last thing I would want to do is stand up before a bunch of people so they would know I was tender. Let alone be famous for it like Otis said this guy was.

I sat there though and tried to make sense of the whole thing, which sure wasn’t easy since I couldn’t understand a word the dude was singing. It was just loud. That much I knew and also I knew when it was over too.

Well sort of. When they talked about an “innard”mission, I figured that meant a potty break so you relief your innards. But then after that Otis made me go back inside and sit down to hear this dude do some more of his singing.

Now you would have figured that somebody would have bothered to have gotten that poor dude some help when we were all out taking a break. But you know from what I could tell nobody did a darn thing for the guy. He just kept singing.

In any case eventually it all came to an end. That was the part when everyone had to clap. I’m not sure if we were clapping because it was over or out of sympathy for that poor tender dudes.

I was glad that when he decided to take a bow he didn’t get inspired to moon us. I mean if he really did have hemorrhoids that could really gross a person out.

If that had happen you can be darn sure I would have made sure he was tender in a whole lot of places that just his behind. But at least he behaved himself on that part.

Not sure I have a clue on why he was wearing them funny looking clothes. In fact there were a whole bunch of people on that stage dressed funny. Maybe part of being tender had to do with using the wrong kind of soap in his washer.

I can’t say that for sure. But I still think if that was the case I know I wouldn’t want ot go around singing how it made me tender. Otis didn’t seem to want to let me ask any questions on that part though. Frankly, I wouldn’t to have to go and listen to the dude again to see if he changed soaps okay.


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