Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Boy if there is one thing I hate it is this business about them talking on television with regards to some new product. They make it sound so cool. A really super duper deluxe whatever. Only when you do order it and it comes to the house, it never seems to work as good as it did in that commercial.

Which makes me think this is the delivery guy's fault. I figure he probably dropped the thing and was afraid to tell me. That really bugs me to since if anybody is going to break something I buy it ought to be me.

Course then I also figure that perhaps it isn't the driver's fault either. Maybe it was his boss. You know the guy who unloaded it from some truck before giving it to this driver. He might have messed it up. You just never know for sure, do you?

That is the problem. You can't figure out who is the person that needs to get the snot beat out of them the most. It can be tough when you can't find the right person to blame.

Well one thing I thought about doing was going over to one of those delivery places and seeing if I could act like I wanted to work for them. Then I could watch them and see who is the person that most likely is careless or accident prone.

Boy do they ask a lot of weird questions when you call up one of those places to find out about getting a job. The first thing they asked was my name. I figure it must have been some kind of trick question. Like I wouldn't know my own name.

Then they asked me if I had any experience and delivery things before. Now that was an even dumber question to me. I mean if I had experience wouldn't that mean I already was doing that kind of work for somebody?

Anyway, I did my best to answer those questions, but then they told me I had to come in and fill out an application. That was a really stupid thing to suggest if you ask me.

I filled out a pair of pants before. But an application? How the heck would it be big enough to fit over my butt? Honestly that was so insane.

I never did manage to get to the delivery part either. They told me first I had to come in for an interview. Hey, there ain't no way I'm going to buy into the idea a talking box is going to ask me a bunch of silly questions.

Then they told me I had to have training. Like I need them to teach me how to drop box. I tell you if that is an example of the way these jokers thing I'm not surprise the stuff I buy on television never works when I get it.

Maybe them guys ought to try buy a few things on television and having them delivered and not work and then they would know how it feels. But then it would be my luck they would be more careful with that delivery!


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