Saturday, July 15, 2006


Now this is such a lame saying. I mean think about it. If you have to say it to somebody then you know upfront it is likely to piss them off. So if you just kept your mouth shut you wouldn't even need to worry about it, right.

Like anybody is really fooled into thinking that even if you say that you didn't actually plan all along to say something insulting, but you don't want to risk getting smacked. So you toss in that no disrespect intended crap to make it sound better.

I do wonder you know if it simply wouldn't be better to start out with something like "well buddy, the thing is I see you as a first class moron. And I know if I tell you that you'll go King Kong on my ass and beat me senseless. So instead I'm just going to say I didn't mean it, even though I really did."

Yeah, that would be fun. It might not keep you from getting pulverized by some clown with more muscles than IQ, but what the heck, it might at least be worth a try.

Of course you know basically that is the advice I give others. That is because it is the advice I've been given by my buddy Otis.

In fact he takes it to heart so much that he generally doesn't even bother to tell anyone else something disrespectful anyway. What he normally does is tell me and then tell me not to say anything. Only the moment he says that I kind of go nuts and it is like I get diarrhea of the mouth and out it comes.

I guess I can't blame Otis for not admitting he told me too when the person goes nuts and decides to get out his bat to show me his appreciation. Depending on if I can get to my bat first depends on whether I have to run away or give some lame apology.

I tell you this disrespect thing sure gets annoying at time. I just wish life was a lot more simpler in that regard. Only, I'm not quite sure how that would work for real.

I mean it would be like playing a game. However, if nobody else decided to play it could get confusing if not painful.

Plus you always have the clown who makes up the rules as he goes along and the other jerk who cheats. So it all gets complicated.

Which I guess is why somebody once said if you can say something nice then don't say something to anybody too tall. Er, I guess it was sort of like that. Which could really be a big deal if you aren't very tall either.

But I reckon whether it is a good idea or not, there are those who will always decide to do it their way. They never worry about the disrespect thing I imagine. Which is okay as long as you have that work "duck" practiced perfectly. That is one word I've sure learned over the years too.


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