Sunday, July 16, 2006


Is this dumb or what? I say that because any time anyone has told me this I knew it didn't really matter whether they had my permission anyway. That was because they were going to do what they wanted and asking my permission was just a formality.

It is kind of like when some dude sits down and points a gun at your head and then says I would like all your money with your permission. As if you are really going to say no.

That is pretty much the kind of with your permission I encounter way too much. Mainly over where I work at STINK.

Most of the time old rat boy does this. Like he is some kind of mind reader or something. At least that is the way it seems at times.

We will be out fighting grime, collecting the garbage or whatever and when we come back old rat boy has made some decision. It almost always involves deciding for us about something that is going to happen at STINK. Only he makes the genius move to figure for us what is best for us and do it like he had our permission.

Most of the time it is with stupid and silly junk, like ordering condiments for the lunchroom. I mean to me mayonnaise and mustard taste okay regardless of the brand. But that doesn't mean it would be nice if at least we were ask first our choice. That is because they always make a big deal about such choices are one of our benefits.

And then they turn around and make the choices for us. If we mention it to them they always give us this long talk, which amounts to more of a bunch or words that don't really mean a darn thing.

Oh we go through this game with them naturally. We let them say whatever then we point out how it is crap. Along the lines they will say something about always asking our permission next time, but they never do.

I tell you there are times when it really makes me wonder how come for a great organization like STINK where we are suppose to be fighting so much filth and grime in the world we end up with things sucking so bad they smell. Yeah it really bugs me. The two kind of don't go together and I really hate that part.

But then there are the moments when they surprise us and actually do something good too. Heck they even do some good junk that is for us without our permission. Like deciding to surprise us with free pizza for lunch.

Still they do it without asking our choice of type of pizza. That kind of sucks at times. But then I guess I have to take the good with the bad as Otis is often fond of saying. Which to me accepting that when they do order pizza I have to be sure I get a piece without those crummy little fishes on them.


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