Thursday, July 20, 2006


Okay as part of my job as a grimefighter I'm always thinking in terms of ways to help cut down on the problem of filth and grime. It is just part of the way I do stuff. Kind of a natural reaction to when I see too much dirt that is way too muddy.

The other day I was out with Otis and we drove passed this dairy. Well I saw all them cows out on the dirt and wow, talk about a smell that would curl your nose, it sure would.

Well, naturally seeing all that mess and smelling that odor it occurred to me that man, there ought to be a way to clean that place up. How can you expect those poor cows to not be messy if you don't give them anyway of being cleaner?

That is when it came to me. The only way you could improve the situation would be if you could give the cows a chance to clean up a little. Which ought to be easy. All you needed was to give them a few sinks.

I don't know how smart them cows are, but I'm sure with a little encouragement they could be inspired to wash off after eating some hay or whatever. I had thought of maybe getting them all bibs to wear, but those could get dirty too.

I tried explaining my idea to Otis, but I don't know, he just never quite seemed to appreciate it. I got the impression he had just thought of something funny because right after I told him he started laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. He never did tell me what the joke was he had been thinking about, but it sure must have been a good one the way he was laughing.

Anyway, with him laughing that hard I didn't get a chance to finish explaining all my ideas on this sink thing with the cows. It was a shame too because I knew it was a real winner of an idea.

Since Otis didn't give me a chance to finish talking what with him remembering that funny joke, I had to wait to get back to STINK headquarters and tell the other fellas all about it. I was sure one of them would want to help me check out how to get some nice sinks for them cows.

But you know what? I guess they also heard that same joke as Otis. Because man I hardly had a chance to even start in talking about the cows and sinks before they went a little too crazy laughing also.

I sure was unhappy that I hadn't found anyone to tell me what they all knew as a joke that made them laugh so hard. I wish I could. But every time I see them now, they just start laughing all over again.

Oh well, it is nice to know there is at least one joke out there that apparently is funny enough to keep so many people happy. Maybe one of these days I'll even find it out too.


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