Thursday, July 27, 2006


I've heard of collecting coins. I even do that on occasion. Like when our washer is on the fritz and we have to do to the Laundromat. Or if I need the change to have lunch at a vending machine or some car wash.

Outside of that though, I normally don't worry about the whole deal with coins too much. But I guess it is a real big deal to some people.

In fact there are apparently some people who get so obsessed about this whole business they actually for clubs or organizations. Although I got to admit from what I've heard the people get involved with these things are kind of weird.

Plus I get the impression from when I hear my buddy talking about some nickel and dime organization that they aren't necessarily very good at whatever it is they are suppose to do. That's because whenever Otis talks about them he sure doesn't make it sound like good thing. More like they are a pain in the butt to deal with.

I get the impression that part of the reason he feels that way is because in addition to collecting only nickels and dimes they got a hang up about pennies. He's always talking about how they are a bunch of penny pinchers. Why anybody would get pleasure from squeezing some penny I got no idea, but it must be a good thing in their eyes.

I imagine that is where they got that saying about a penny shaved is a penny burned. I reckon the shaving part is where you do all that pinching and if you do it long enough it sort of ends up get hot or something. Sure doesn't found like much fun too me.

Well, I don't reckon I'm going to bother looking around to find out where these dudes hang out. Not sure I would object to stopping by and visiting the place they call the coin mint. I think that is those little chocolate mints they wrap in paper to look like a coin. It could be kind of tasty I suppose.

In any case it sure wouldn't be the kind of organization that I think I'll ever have much need to visit. Or even give thought to join.

Plus there is one real scary part to all of this. I heard my buddy Otis taking about how sometimes he has to deal with nickel and dime outfits.

Will somebody please tell me who in the world would want to seriously wear a suit made out of nothing, but coins? Man I bet the underwear would sure end up being literally a pain in that ass.

And I would hate to think what a part of swimming trunks made out of coins would be like. God a person could be dangerous. A person could practically drown from all that weight. You can sure count me out on that idea!

Gee I wonder if you did wear an outfit made out of nickel and dimes and sat down a lot i bet your rear end would have lots of marks on it that looked like coins. Guess that is where they get the saying, "permanent press."


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