Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I've figured out what good it is to have a coast. You can sell it And where does it actually end? I mean is the beach part of the coast or if so, why do they call it a beach and not a sandy coast?

Plus it does worry me that apparently the coast is something somebody can steal. I mean if it isn't why do we need a coast guard? From what I've seen they are always in some boat. But I sort of thought that the coast was like land or something. So if it is man they are sure screwed up because if somebody was going to steal a coast and they are in the water is sure ain't going to let them do much to stop them is it?

The other thing I don't understand is the part about the coast being clear. I hear that in movies about criminals. They are always worried about the coast being clear. So I reckon it means that if it isn't clear you can see it well enough to steal it.

In addition what do you do if you do manage to steal a coast? Is there some place you can sell it? I've never heard of one.

But that is what helps me think that there is like some place where there are merchants who sell nothing, but coasts. Who buys them I have no idea. However they apparently got an army to make sure once they have stolen the coasts that nobody steals it again.

Otherwise there wouldn't be any what is called Merchant Marines. You got to wonder about that job. How do you tell if somebody is trying to steal a coast that was already stolen?

This is one of those things where I'm not sure I even want to know the answer. That is because somewhere in it I bet it involves something weird.

I just can't figure how it could be otherwise what with it being about a coast. And what is even more spooky is that there is apparently more than one coast. There is this thing called an East Coast and then there is a West Coast. Only nobody ever says what they are east and west of for sure? Kind of puzzles me.

Along with that I never hear about the South Coast or North Coast. So does that mean they are only something you find in the east or west? Seems kind of unfair to all the people who live in the North or South.

Oh well, I guess in this case, since there is a guard for the coast, I'll let them worry about whether somebody is trying to steal the coast when it is clear. Sounds like a pretty silly job to me, but I reckon we all have a right to do whatever makes us happy.

As for me, well, I don't imagine until somebody lets me know for sure where you find the coast other than at the beach, I'm going to lose much sleep on the subject. I think I'll just not go near it that way I don't have to worry about any guards who are watching the coast coming up and seeing me and thinking I'm trying to steal it.


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