Wednesday, July 26, 2006


You know that there is no way something good is going to come out of a conversation that starts out with somebody using this phrase. It just don't work that way.

Nope, the one thing you can be sure of is that this means last night something really dumb and stupid took place. And that ain't cool.

Now most of the time if the think that was dumb and stupid doesn't have to do with me, I can say something like "well okay, that happens." But believe if it in any way ends up meaning I might get in trouble, smiling ain't the way I end up feeling about the situation.

Like too many things in my life that I have to deal with the junk that makes me groan in other than a fun way, this is another thing that happens to me at work. Over at STINK let me tell you if somebody says "about last night" it means they did something really embarrassing and it somehow is going to include me.

Only they never just come out and say, "You're probably not going to want to hear this, but last night we were having a really bad night and blew it on grimefighter patrol."

Now if they were to start out a conversation like that I would be prepared to cope with knowing somehow STINK got in trouble for screwing up and anyone as a grimefighter could get in big trouble. It is like I screwed up, but guess what you are also going to get the flack.

I keep telling them you know that they shouldn't carry around that scrapbook that has a picture of all the grimefighters. Do they listen to me? NOOOO! Instead they lug it around and for some stupid reason they decide it is a good idea that they happen to show it off to somebody who they just pissed off by busting them by mistake. Like that is a smart move!

Anyway when they do that it is like they want to make sure the person, especially if he's a real, big and ugly dude knows that he can beat up more than one person for the goof up. I tell you that sure doesn't help me to find out.

Course I did at least get them to stop giving out our name and address. So that cut down on the times when some pissed off dude would be standing on our porch and waiting for us. It sure is hard to ask what is wrong when he's pounding you senseless with his fist.

I guess that is progress of sorts. Still, I sure hope one of these days I can manage to get them to lose that darn scrapbook. At least the part that has my picture in it.

Maybe I can luck out and even substitute old rat boy, Junior's picture for mine. Now that would be worth it. Shoot come to think of it, I don't think I would even mind carrying the scrapbook if all the pictures were of Junior. Um, I'll have to remember that when I have one of those "about last night times myself."


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