Monday, July 31, 2006


This is so horrible sounding I can't even think of having to cope with it. I mean the idea of somehow there being a huge pickle big enough to end up stuffing a person inside is not something I want to hear about.

Honestly, it is so awful to thing of. It makes me imagine the Jolly Green Giant or somebody like him going berserk and just for laughs inventing these giant pickles he stuffed people in for fun. I mean that dude does spend a lot of time with vegetables. He sure ends up packing them up a lot. So it would make sense if he got a bad case of the weirds he would pull something like that.

As far as I've noticed though, he's kind of a mellow dude. He does go around saying "ho, ho, ho" a lot. And he is called Jolly, so you kind of think he would be basically on the cool side. But who knows for sure?

After all he is a giant and they normally are known for being all that sociable. Like that one who messed around with the kid named Jack who had a bean chalk or whatever he had with beans. Anyway that giant was definitely not cool.

Plus this Jolly Green dude is known for wearing a lot of green. I got to ask is this a good thing? It is the same color as pickles. Makes me wonder.

Oh I suppose you know that perhaps old Jolly is just getting an unfair deal in all of this. But I can't say for sure.

All I know is that whenever I hear someone mention being in a pickle they are talking about a good thing. They are always speaking like it is a bad deal.

And you do have to wonder why if they hate being in a pickle so much they would even let somebody get away with stuffing them in one? I know if I was in a bad mood and I saw I guy coming towards me holding some giant pickle, I sure wouldn't be sitting around saying "okay, bring it on, I love this idea!

No, it just wouldn't work that way for me. An in addition you know that old Jolly being a giant and all it ain't like he could sneak up on you.

Which makes me question if these dudes who worry about being in a pickle are sort of you know asking for it in some way? And apparently they don't even want to figure a way to avoid it all.

Anyway, for me, I know regardless of how I feel the last thing I plan on is allowing myself to get in a position where somebody has a pickle, giant or otherwise, get near me. They tell me, "here slip this on" they can forget it, I ain't doing it.

In the meantime, I'm not taking any chances. I already got this mirror to look behind me in case somebody decides to pull something sneaky. And I told my friends all about the pickles and the jolly dude. Course I must have scared them since most don't come around me any longer.


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