Saturday, July 29, 2006


What can you really say on this subject. but you gotta have it. And lots of it too. Well at least as far as I'm concerned you have to.

Because without stuff you just never feel really, er, I don't know, I guess complete. Only I won't say that everyone agrees!

I know my buddy, Otis, doesn't always agree. Oh he says he understands the importance of stuff. But personally, I think it is a case of him agreeing in what he calls principle.

That is where he says he agrees, only in reality he doesn't. He just says it to make it appear that he's okay with whatever. The principle part means basically it is not his favorite thing or something he necessarily likes, but he wants it to appear as if he does.

That principle stuff is a pain in the butt too me. Because the one thing it ain't is actually agreeing. So whenever Otis gets around to talking about something being in principle I just know he's really talking about saying no, without really saying no.

When it comes to things like this stuff business, well it can be really confusing. See Otis loves to collect things. He never calls it stuff like I do. Or even crap or junk. He calls it "collectibles." That is sort of junk or stuff you treat as fancy. Which to me don't really make it other than plain, old ordinary junk.

Most of the time it is no big deal. I mean he can have his stamps and coins and those antique goodies if he wants. Why, I'm not sure, but it makes him happy.

Only he just doesn't treat it like stuff the way he should. Like the time I needed a coin to put in this vending machine. And he wasn't around so I figured he wouldn't miss one measly coin out of that group he had. So I borrowed it to buy a candy bar. Heck the next week I replaced it. And with quarter too instead of that nickel.

You would have figured he would have enjoyed knowing I gave him a coin worth more than nickel. Personally I don't believe for a second his claim that the nickel was worth a whole lot more than a nickel because it was so old. I think he was making that part up!

Anyway, I haven't mess with anymore of his coins. I did borrow a stamp to mail a letter though. We were all out of regular stamps and it seemed like no big deal.

At least my letter got mailed. Can't say whether using a coin that is only one of kind like Otis said will impress somebody who got the letter. I guess I'll have to call up that candy store sometime and find out.

In the meantime I'll guess for me stuff will always be stuff. Even if my buddy does have a strange idea of what stuff is supposed to be like.


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