Friday, July 28, 2006


I use the word thing a lot. Most of the time when I can't remember the name of something. Calling it that thing sort fills in the description enough for the other person to know what we mean.

What isn't cool is calling people a thing. It happens, but I sure don't see that as a good deal.

Now there might be some of those English grammar types out there who talk about how one of those nouns is suppose to be talking about a person, place or thing so that means it is okay to call a person a thing. But that ain't the way I see it.

Call me being picky, but a person is a people and a thing is well, not a people. And I never try to confuse the two.

Okay, I got to admit that there are some people out there that might deserve to be thought of as just a thing. Honestly there are some really weird people running around doing strange stuff that you wouldn't expect from a people, but might come from a thing. Well to me they might be that way.

Then you got to consider them aliens. I'm speaking of the ones that come here from some other planet and not from another country. I'm not sure if they are ordinary people or if they are really things.

I haven't had a chance to run into one of those aliens to ask them either. It is just hard to say.

And if by chance I happen to be out on my moped some time and see a space ship parked on the street, I'll see if I can go find the driver and ask. Now if I'm really lucky I might even get the dude to give me a spin in his ship.

Then I do have to worry a little. I mean what if the guy is really a robot or some kind of washer that just knows how to talk. That could be okay too I suppose depending on if you need any clothes washed.

But outside of aliens, I like to think that most people aren't things in my book. About the only real exception in my book would be old rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. If there is one person who really deserves to be a thing it would that cheese hording dude. I'm telling you I vote to give him a brain transplant. Of course that is assuming he had a brain in the first place. Which there are times I do wonder.

Oh well, I reckon it doesn't matter much doesn't it? I wish there was a place you could go to sign people up that you thought acted like robots or morons to be reclassified as things instead of people.

Gee I wonder if the government has a department in charge of that? Maybe I'll give them a call and find out.

Thought for the week: "They say, silence is golden. And then there is the golden rule. So does that mean the rule is shutting up makes you more money than talking? If so, somebody ought to tell the politicians."


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