Sunday, August 06, 2006


When I heard this the first time my reaction was "oh my god, this is so sick." I mean the idea of sticking a needle in anything is scary enough. Especially when you are talking about needles that doctors used. Those things can really sting. But to stick one in your eye is even more scary.

And if a regular doctor uses one to stick you in the arm I guess an eye doctor does it to your eye. Why, I don't think I even want to know. It sounds awful. How can anyone even think of doing such a thing.

No one so many people wear glasses. I mean if you go to worry about some crazy eye doctor jamming you in the eyes with a needle then you darn well would want to wear glasses to keep it from happening.

Not sure why you would even want to mess with some doctor that does that kind of thing. It just don't sound like a good deal to me.

Plus these doctors sure got some weird ideas I think about who to treat people. I mean what is with that think called an "Eye" chart. I've seen it and there is not a single eye on the whole thing. It is a bunch of letters. Plus they start out real big and then get smaller and smaller. Man the bottom ones are so small you can't even read them.

What good that chart is I have no idea. Unless it is to just drive you wacky trying to figure out what the word is those letters are trying to spell.

Another thing I wonder about is that normally you go to a doctor for stuff like a cold. Does an eye doctor treat you for some kind of eye cold? Never heard of a eye coughing before. Doesn't sound like very much fun too me. Guess being sick isn't suppose to be fun.

Perhaps the part that sounds the worst of all is this thing I heard eye doctors do to your eyes called dilating them. Hey nobody is going to shove some big dial in my eye I don't care how much my eye might be sneezing.

You really got to wonder who comes up with these ideas. I know there are a lot of things in life that might not make sure, but do we got to complicate the process by making up new junk to worry about?

Anyway, I guess I'm safe for now since I got no plans to visit any eye doctor anytime soon. I leave that for other people to worry about.

However, any time I hear somebody say something like I see it will make me wonder. I bet they didn't say that after some eye doctor tried sticking a needle in his eye. But I don't plan on getting involved to find out.

I'll leave that to other people to figure out. Me, I'll just put on some sun glasses. Providing I can find a pair that is shaped like a sun.


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