Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Oh man do I want to finish that sentence. Take this job and make some poor other slob do the dirty part. Or perhaps it ought to be take this job and give it a fancier title along with a big fat raise.

I was listening to radio the other day and they played a song that mentioned taking a job and shoving it. Only he never said where you were supposed to shove it. I understood the shoving part. I just didn't understand what good was going to happen from all that shoving other than if you ended up with some sore muscles.

Now as best as I can figure this is something that comes after you done tired yourself from doing too much pushing. I've heard those people who talked about when push comes to shove.

All I know is that man it sure sounds like a lot of pushing and shoving and that all sounds real tiring. So I figured it must be related to the kinds of jobs where people do that a lot.

And the only place I could figure that applied was in something cool like professional wrestling. I imagine we could be talking about stuff like tag team matches and stuff like that.

Although I guess I never really thought of wrestling as a job. Oh yeah they do get to wear cool outfits and mask sometimes, but I just thought they did it for fun.

But then I remembered they do call it professional wrestling instead of for fun. Well I guess you could get paid and have fun with it.

So that made me decide that best of all this was about somebody telling them big wrestling dudes to do some extra shoving. Not sure they really need somebody to tell them that. It seems like they got it pretty much figured out without too much trouble.

However, perhaps wearing that mask on your head it sort of makes you deaf a little. So perhaps the song is a way of helping to get the message to them when perhaps they decide wrestling ain't about cool stuff like shoving.

What I think I'll do is wait till the one program comes on television where they interview a bunch of wrestlers. Then I can call them up and maybe root for them. Why shoot I'll even make them happy by telling them to shove it!

Gee, I probably ought to do it in a way that will impress them. How can I do that? Oh I know, I can tell them I'm somebody important. I am important, they might know my name.

I got it, I'll tell them I'm the Reverend Anable. Yeah, I'm sure he won't mind since he is important to talk to god and all. I bet he'll be so surprised when one of them shows up at his church to thank him too.


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