Monday, August 14, 2006


These are both part of my list of junk I never use. And let me tell you the longer I live the bigger this list gets for me.

I guess I don't have anything against the color red. Shoot my sneakers are red, which I think is cool. But I'm just not that crazy about a red coat.

When I think of red coats all I think of is those darn snots that work red coats who were called lemmies or limeys or some kind of fruit. Anyway they marching around acting like jerks and generally causing the colony folk all kind of grief. Don't you just hate when that happens? I do.

Anyway, I just can't get passed this red coat being a bad thing. So I don't ever plan on wearing one and risk somebody thinking I might have a hunk of citrus in my pocket they could borrow or keep.

As for the deal about blue pockets, well I don't know, I was thinking mainly in terms of somebody putting them on different color pants. I got jeans with blue pockets, but the jeans are blue.

However, I sure wouldn't waste time sewing them on a pair of yellow or green pants. I mean if you do that you end up with somebody thinking you got something special in them so that you want to risk them trying to steal your pocket. Which somebody calls being a pick pocket.

It is hard to imagine why somebody would you know somebody would want to go around stealing just pockets. Sure sounds weird. Shoot it ain't like pockets are expensive or anything. They just you know are pockets.

But I guess somebody decided that they don't have enough so they end up trying to pick other people's pockets. And that definitely isn't cool in my opinion.

Which is why as an issue of fashion cents and that is where you make sure you don't spend a whole lot of cents on fashion other than enough too look good, I don't believe in mixing colors of one pocket with different colored pants. It just ain't cool.

I prefer to concentrate and mixing colors that do look good together. So just to show I ain't against color I do love things like wearing an orange shirt with green pants. I tell you I sure do impress people because so many people will stop and look at me for the longest time when they see me coming.

And I know they really do find it great by the way they get these big smiles and point when I walk passed. It really gives me a feeling of pride to know how they are given a reason to know at least one dude who dressed with real class.

In the meantime, I making the list of things I won't do even longer plenty of times. And believe me there is plenty of stuff you got to add to those kinds of lists as time goes by.


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