Saturday, August 12, 2006


Oh yeah, you bet is normally the answer I expect to this question. That to me is because there is so much dang stuff in life that can give you a pain in the butt. Yep, I'm talking about that kind of pain.

Which I think is the one kind that this really is meant to be talking about. I know you got your regular type of pain too. But those don't count in quite the same way. Because if you sitting there with you arm dangling from being broken it sort of figures it is going to smart.

Nope, what I'm thinking about more is when you get stuck having to deal with some situation that makes you just plain want to go crazy. It really does grab you in the private parts and make you want to bang your head against the wall. At least it does for me.

Anyway, the main reason I decided to even talk about this is because I can't help thinking to myself how this how thing ought to be avoidable in some cases. I call this passing the crap.

See these ain't it a pain situation is one that everyone hates. So what happens is we end up figuring a way to be sure if there is any grief some other poor slob gets stuck with the problem and not us.

Which often ends with an even bigger pain when you have to put up with listening to some jerk ramble on trying to think up a good fib just to explain why he wanted to give you the crap. Yeah those are the really annoying situations.

In my case this happens most of the time when I have to deal with that creep, rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin. If there is one dude who spends too much time thinking up ways to avoid doing work, it is that cheese hording jerk.

I swear he can come up with some of the most lame, god awful crap to explain why he wants to duck doing any work. And personally I would just as soon not even hear most of them.

I mean jeez, when a guy is going to try and stick me with cleaning the toilets in the bathroom because he's allergic to porcelain, I call that a big fat lie. Which really pisses me off even more since he actually expects me to believe it.

Anyway, I just do what I can not to argue with him over it. Not because I don't want to. It is because my way of arguing with old rat boy so it would be satisfying would be to use my bat on him. Only Otis won't let me do that. He says even though it might work, it isn't an okay option since our boss Dr. Hemoglobin would frown over me bashing his son too many times. Which translates into the idea that we would sort of get fired. Yeah that kind of frowning just don't work I guess.

So instead we just do our best to hide when we can if we know Junior is going to be looking for somebody to dump crap on. And along the way I can at least dream of dumping some crap on him.


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