Thursday, August 10, 2006


I didn't think it was possible to ever have too much fun. But I found out the hard way you can do exactly that.

It happened to me the other day. There I was sitting in the living room of our apartment with my buddy Otis. We were planning on enjoying our Saturday by having lots of fun.

Our big plan included watching a bunch of movies and having some great snacks. Well, I guess I ought to say that when I say snacks I'm sort of talking about more than a few crackers. I felt a need to mention that because of the people I know that think just because some crackers have the word snack on them it means they are a snack.

That might be okay if you are no real what they call a "con-your-shirt" expert on snacks. And after hanging with my buddy all these years I kind of feel like an expert these days.

Thus for us we take our snacking very serious. That means being sure we get the good stuff, not snacks that don't fill you up.

So we divide our snacks into different what I call levels. You start out with the kind that are just to tied you over till you get to the good stuff.

To start out there we normally begin with something like chips. Maybe three or four bags. They are all that filling, but it works to sort of take the edge off of being hungry.

Now for the next level we try to have something that is the opposite of chips. Meaning it isn't salty, but sweet. Cookies, donuts or brownies work pretty good for that level. Generally since it is a snack we limit ourselves to say six dozen. No sense ruining our appetite for later.

After that comes the next level where we have something that is on the warm side. We go in for things like pizza or burgers or even tacos or burritos. If it is a pizza normally four of them is enough to kind of hit the spot.

Then of course after getting through the basics in terms of snacking we move on to what I call the hard stuff. That includes generally ice cream sundaes and pie. Both if we have time. They are really great when you dump an ice cream sundae on top of a chocolate cream pie. Sometimes Otis insists we use a banana cream pie to get enough fruit into our diet.

Anyway after we have polished off all those things to kind of keep us going it comes time for the real snacks. I'm talking about candy. You know like twenty bags of jelly beans generally works. Yep, it really does make for a fun snack time.

But like I said you know, I found out that you can really have too much fun. The other day we were having one of our snack Saturdays and for some reason I got sick. Personally, I think it was because we used Banana cream pie instead of our usual chocolate pie. Anyway it disagreed with my tummy. So next time I figure I'll stick with the chocolate pie. Why mess wit a good thing?


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