Friday, August 11, 2006


I wish this one something I never had to say, but there are times when you just have no choice. Man it sure isn't fun to have to tell somebody to not do whatever a second time, but you just can't avoid it at times.

Now for myself I do like music. I'm not much for the singing part outside of the shower, but I do enjoy a good tune sometimes.

And I can even tolerate all kinds of music in some cases. Except for that stuff they call music which to me is just a lot of shouting that is known as rap music. Personally the people who think that is music need a good rap up side of the head.

But that is something I already talked about in a different posting. This one is for some other gripe.

I'm speaking of those stupid morons who decide that they love their music so much when they are in their cars that they have to play it loud enough for you to hear too. I reckon it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't like such crappy music.

Or better yet if they would bother to ask you first before they decided to try and make you go deaf listening to their car stereo blaring so loud it vibrates the ground. It sure doesn't work for me that well.

Anyway the other day Otis and I were out in one of STINK's Diaper Service vans and stopped at this signal light when this car came up with its car radio blasting away. Jeez, I tried to be nice and asked the dude to turn it down. Only he just ignored me.

Well the light changed and we took off and I figured that was the end of that, but it wasn't. At the next stop he showed up there too.

Otis just wanted to ignore it, but not me. I got out of the van and decide to make sure the dude didn't ignore us any longer. My bat generally does a good job of getting people's attention.

I suppose I did get a little carried away with it. I mean once I started talking with it I just found it a little hard to stop.

The nice thing was I did get the dude's car radio to stop making so much noise after whacking it enough times. I didn't get a chance to hang around though and ask the dude if he got the message. Otis insisted we leave once the light changed. He claimed he didn't want to risk a ticket for blocking traffic. I think he didn't want to wait for the guy to wake up since the dude was kind of big. Gee I wonder if the guy noticed the name of the Diaper Service Van on the side of our truck? He might have. Seems to me I recall one of the guys driving our vans mentioning how some guy who was playing his car radio way too loud forced him off the road and then beat the snot out of him. Might have been just a coincidence though.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "I wonder if the person who said all he wanted for Christmas was his two front teeth should have been told where to get a decent dental plan?"


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