Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I don't think to me this is a deal of the actual promise being so big and the idea of what happens if the promise comes true. You know like if somebody says, "Hey if you do this I'll give you a million bucks." Now that is a big promise and very impressive. But it don't count for spit if you don't end up with the million bucks.

Which is why I look at a big promise as only big if it really takes place. If it just ends up being talk, forget it.

I suppose I wouldn't even mind the just talk part if you knew for sure when it was just somebody bragging, instead of something that is going to happen. That really bugs me, I'm telling you.

If only you could know for sure when people where spreading a bunch of crap and when they were telling the truth. It sure can be hard.

Oh normally I find out eventually. Maybe not tell they have suckered me a few times, but eventually I figure it out.

In the meantime, I'll be sitting there and getting all jazzed at the idea of doing something way too cool because somebody said we could if I would just do one thing. Man that one thing can sure turn into a major pain at times. Really a major burn to the behind.

What makes it all worth while though are the few times when a big promise really is a big promise. Man oh man do those times really jazz.

I am working a figuring a way to sort through these promises better. The first thing I know if the person has his fingers crossed then you best just no count on his promise being worth anything.

There are other tips too. Like if the person snickers too much like they just heard some jerk. That is another big clue the person may not be serious about his promise.

Then the other thing is you just got to use your noggin too. Let me tell you if some dude is making big promises that are absolutely impossible then I wouldn't believe them.

Okay, I admit that on one occasion I did kind of get carried away believing that when a guy told me the moon was going to hit the earth and when it did, seeing how it was made of cheese, it would mean that we would all have tons of cheese sauce. Boy did I sure have fun sitting there with four or five bags of tortilla chips and waiting for the big promise where I could have all the nachos I wanted.

I was sure disappointed when that didn't happen. But I survived. And I did end up with getting some cheese so it sort of worked out okay. Perhaps that is the best advice I can give. If the promise involves nachos, always make sure you have a big back supply of cheese.


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