Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Who know what grows under the underwear. It could be something really scummy with some people. You can look in their faces and know they are hiding something. They got that guilty look like they farted and are hoping nobody finds out.

Yeah you can smell a person like that a mile away. Which is probably because they don't change their underwear that often!

I guess I shouldn't be that concerned with the whole underwear deal, but I just can't help it. I mean what if that person is so grimy under their underwear that they have attracted cooties. Those suckers can be down right dangerous.

The last thing I know I want is to risk having some cooties leap off some slimy dude and infect my butt. That could give you all kinds of problems. Some are so scary that I don't even want to think about them.

Oh well, the important thing I guess is that we stay away from people who look suspicious in that regard. Because the one thing you can be sure of is that nobody is going to admit they got under the underwear cooties. Nope you can forget that.

Shoot I doubt you could even expect them to be honest at all or tell the truth. Why I bet they will even lie about lying since if they didn't their underwear my catch on fire. It is like that saying liar, liar pants on fire. Yum, I bet at one time in the good old days somebody taught people a lesson by zapping them with a blow torch for having dirty underwear.

They problem had that kind of vision that could see right through pants and that is how they knew the person had stinky underwear. And when they asked, "Hey bub, what's the deal with not changing your underwear more often?" I bet the creep lied about his dirty underwear.

So the dude just whipped out his trusty flame thrower and taught that jerk a lesson he'll never forget. Having a charcoaled butt is no doubt going to be the one thing that nobody would be likely to take for granted.

Gee it is a shame that you can't do that all the time these days. That must have been part of those good old days they are always talking about.

Gosh I wish there was a way to get them back again. Maybe if we could start a holiday. An under the underwear holiday. We could call it something like All Ain't's Day as in All Ain't not wearing underwear. Er, I guess you know what I mean.

Hmmm, I wonder where I could lay my hands on you know about a million flame throwers to pass them out? I know I'll ask that policeman I know. Yeah, I bet he would know where I could rent or borrow a few. I sure hope I can get that done. Getting rid of dirty underwear would sure be a fun thing to work on, even if you needed a few flames to do it.


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