Saturday, September 02, 2006


What's the deal with fiddles that you should be consider as fit as one? I mean do they jog or do lots of exercise? I have no idea.

I do know that when you see those commercials on television about some exercise place nobody is ever using a fiddle. Maybe they keep them hidden unless you show up at one of those gyms or something.

Personally I would think what with all that sweating you would have trouble holding some fiddle even if you wanted to. But then perhaps that is all part of the fit thing. Since I can appreciate how if you had to work so dang hard at holding a fiddle while doing all that exercise you might feel a need to get extra fit.

The other thing I wonder about is whether this has something to do with musicians being more fit that regular people. I find that a little hard to believe myself.

About the only experience I ever had with musicians was back in high school. We had these dudes that played in the band. I suppose you could call them musicians. However, I did kind of wonder since when they played I wouldn't call what came out of their instruments as music. Oh it was noise, but hardly music. Why if I hadn't lucked out and figured the play the star spangled banner at the beginning of each football game I would have had no idea what the song was they were trying to play before the game started.

Anyway the one thing I do recall is that none of the was particularly fit. I wouldn't even say they were decent at playing any kind of sports. Not as far as I could tell.

Heck if one thing was obvious to me it was that the last thing those guys did was manage to be in shape. On they did look okay in those uniforms they wore, but you know when you are built like an egg I just couldn't call it the kind of shape you expect for somebody who is really fit. Just my opinion naturally.

In any case I reckon that I'll not worry too much about taken up the fiddle just to feel more like I'm fit. I'll let somebody else worry about that part.

I figure even though I am a grimefigther and super hero, I am not going to try to mess with some fiddle just to be more fit. That is unless my bat is broke or something. Then the fiddle might work for bashing.

Although they don't seem too sturdy. Perhaps I'll try filling one full of cement and see if that helps. Not sure where I can borrow one to test it. They do have this really old one over at the museum. It is called a Stradivarius I think. Heck it is so old I'm sure they wouldn't mind me trying to put cement in it to see how well it bashing stuff.

I reckon since it is so dang old they were most likely going to throw it away any how. So perhaps they will think I did them a favor. Who knows maybe they will even thank me when I'm done for saving them the trouble of throwing it out.


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