Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Now there is a good kind of gross and a bad kind. Well I guess there is a third kind. I heard it called gross weight. But I don't know why anyone would be grossed out by weighing something. Guess some people really do get fickle about weird junk.

As for the two regular kind so gross, there is the type that is good because you get to gross somebody else out with it. Oh yeah, fake vomit or just talking about something really disgusting when a person is eating can truly gross them out. Which is a good thing if they deserve it.

Then there is the bad kind of gross. That is like finding a bug in your cereal box. I have this rule about stuff like that. And I can tell you one thing for sure, I will never consider bugs in food as other than gross in a bad way.

However I reckon from what I've heard there are actually people who eat bugs and other stuff that I would consider as gross. Now I suppose I could sort of understand you know if you were like riding in a car with the top down and some bug flew into your mouth, but on purpose? That is totally weird and gross to me.

I guess I'm glad that I don't live in some of those foreign countries I've heard of eating all kinds of strange stuff. They got weird names too like a cross-ant. Who the heck wants to eat a bunch of ants put in the shape of a cross? I don't care if you do put butter on it, I ain't eating it.

Then I heard if you they are so gross they even eat any cars that have an S as part of the name. They call it S cargo. Man can you honestly thing snacking on some car just because it has an S in the name is a good thing? I ain't going to try it.

I think I'll just stick to the usual foods like jelly beans and burgers and stuff that you know what is in it. Well, I do know that at times you can't be sure on the hamburgers though.

They do use that secret sauce stuff and who knows what is in it. I can just hope they never buy it from that Mr. Mammongrabber. His idea of secret sauce is so secret he won't tell anybody. Personally to me if something glows in the dark you probably don't want to stuff it in your mouth.

That's why whenever I go out for a burger or other what is called fast food I stick to places that I know real well. You know that have been around for at least a week.

I'm kind of not sure though if it happens to be the type that some health inspector said was condemned. But as far as I'm concerned people ought not to go around and be saying bad stuff about restaurants in the first place. At least I don't think so.

It just don't seem right for somebody who spends his time running around looking for health to be the kind with a mouth that says only bad things. I think that is gross too.


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