Saturday, September 09, 2006


I take this to mean as opposed to the heavier side. Only I get a little confused because I saw it related to a comic strip in the newspaper and couldn't tell which side of the strip was heavier than the other. Got to admit though I was sort of busy laughing at the stuff in the strip so I couldn't concentrate on how much it weighed.

Then I thought perhaps this had to do with light bulbs in some way. Which is okay I suppose if you are worried about light for some reason. I never do. When I flip a switch at home the lights always come on. Well, except for the time that Otis forgot to pay the electric bill then we didn't have any lights for a little while.

For us the big problem isn't with light bulbs, but with lamps. They just stop working for no good reason. I'm grateful though that Otis seems to be really good at fixing them.

When one stops working I just tell him and then he says something about needing to get light bulbs. I'm not sure why he thinks of light bulbs when it is the lamp that stops working and it did have a bulb in it at the time.

In any case when I let him know the lamp stopped working he always ends up going to the store for light bulbs. Why, I have no idea.

All I know is later he managed to fix the lamp and it works fine for a long time before breaking again. Now don't tell Otis, but I think somebody is playing a joke on him in terms of this light bulb thing. Because every time one of those lamps stops working and then Otis fixes it I notice in some cases somebody tossed a light bulb in the trash.

Boy that sure was wasteful. Well what I do so Otis won't get too upset is take the bulb and put it into the place where he keeps all the light bulbs. Naturally, I don't mention it to him so he won't get too concerned. I mean whoever this weird dude is all he ever messes with are light bulbs.

Anyway, like I said when a lamp stops working I tell Otis and normally he'll go first to check out the light bulbs he keeps in the closet. Boy he sure is picking about them too.

I mean he'll go on and on later about how he found too many bulbs that were burnt out in the closet. I guess it must be some kind of code since he never to my knowledge actually tries to cook those bulbs. Glad for that because I doubt they would taste very good either.

In the meantime, I think I'm going to try and make Otis extra happy. I was dumping the trash the other day and so some bulbs in the dumpster. So I fetched them and put them in the closet.

Which is a good thing I suppose since Granny Potts was at our door and said she was out of light bulbs. Well since I found those in the trash, I just gave her some we had int eh closet.

Course I never remembered to tell Otis. Not that it matters because I have no doubt next time a lamp breaks he'll still make up some reason to go and buy more bulbs.


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