Friday, September 08, 2006


Boy is there any better feeling than knowing you have plenty of something? That is providing you are talking about something really cool.

I mean you can have plenty of gas from eating beans, but you hardly have reason to smile over that. Well okay you might smile when you cut one without getting caught and somebody sits there fainting from the smell. Then you have to rush out of the building to last your ass off without them noticing so you don't get bashed in the process.

Still in other situations knowing you got plenty of something is just a nice feeling. It is sort of like one less thing to worry about.

Unless you are talking about something you are going to use up. Then you might not have plenty for very long and that gives you a reason to get stressed out.

I get sort of amazed at what some people think of has plenty though. Take Mr. Mammongrabber. That dude is rich. Well at least by my standards. I mean he lives in a big mansion and has tons of money in the bank. I would say he's got plenty of about everything.

Only you wouldn't be able to tell it from dealing with him. That doesn't happen to me very often. It ain't like we have a reason to see each other very much.

But whenever I have seen him man does he worry about money. He's always griping about how things cost too much and seems to worry that he can't afford stuff.

Now I ask you when a dude owns a grocery store chain should he really worry about how much food costs? It sure seems weird to me, but he does. You would think he was actually going to have to pay for it or something.

But that is him. And I'm glad even though I don't have lots of money that I don't have to worry about money all the time since he sure doesn't seem to enjoy life very much.

Of course there are some things you definitely can have too much of such as grime. I sure know how Dr. Hemoglobin feels about getting upset when there is way too much grime in the world. That is one kind of plenty I could live without.

I don't reckon that it will matter if I feel there is too grime in the world apparently for the girminal types they want to be sure there is more. That is why they keep adding some to the world. So of like the bad guys that go out doing harm to others. That is hard to understand too.

The way I figure if those dudes were to truly understand that some kinds of plenty are not cool they wouldn't bother with them. But I guess you can convince everyone that plenty don't apply to bad stuff as well as good stuff. I suppose you could get them to change if you could catch them, but that is another problem where this is a far too plentiful case of bad dudes and short supply of the good ones. I guess we need to work on that don't we?

Thought for the week: "A bad day is when you nose runs and you clock doesn't."


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