Wednesday, September 13, 2006


What I want to know is why does anyone need this? Do they like spend every second indoors and not know there is an outdoors so you have to advertise the fact? Jeez, that sounds so dumb to me.

Plus I always thought you know that advertising was something they did to sell stuff. Since when did they have to sell the outdoors? Are mountains and trees for sale these days? I haven't seen any signs if that is the case.

I also would sort of wonder how much they would charge for stuff like air. I sure hope it isn't much because I have to use it all the time and that could cost a lot of they made it expensive. Besides I thought God owned all that stuff. Did he suddenly go into the outdoor business and I missed it on the news?

It just seems like one of those questions that is fair to ask. I sure wish they would do a better job of making these kinds of things clear. That would help cut down on the confusion from my point of view.

And if they are going to advertise the outdoors are for sale does it mean pretty soon they will be making you pay for indoors too? Well we sort of do that already I guess with having to pay rent and all, but I don't know that seems a little different.

I mean nobody has to tell you that there is an indoors. And you don't have to tell us that you got to pay for it either.

So I reckon there must be something different about the outdoors that you have to be told about them. I'm figuring that it might have something to do with bugs.

Yeah, see with outdoors you know dang well you end up with all kinds of flying and creeping things. It can be a real pain in the behind.

So if that is the case I reckon it would be good if they advertise the outdoors so you don't just think of it as a place for bugs. Still, I'm not sure it will work that good once you've been outdoors enough times.

Oh well, I think I'll keep and eye opened and see what I can find out about just where all this advertising is for. I mean perhaps it is a trail that leads you to somewhere cool like candy store. Now that kind of advertising would be worth it.

But if we are talking some advertising that wants to convince you that messing with bugs and trees and bears or beavers then forget it. I'd rather just not go stomping around some bushes and be surprised by some stupid bear who thinks he wants to turn me into a pretzel or worse.

I bet those people who are hung up on this whole outdoors deal don't even think about those things that much. If so, you don't hear them mention it do you?


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