Thursday, September 14, 2006


This is one of those things where I think they have the name just right. First of all I think they are boring. And I certainly figure anything that bores you is something that somebody should have to pay for.

Only problem is whatever the bill the person is paying isn't enough. That's because they keep putting those stupid things up. So obviously the bill isn't that big or the person would give up plastering some stupid stuff on those big things next to the roads.

I don't think I would mind if they put something worthwhile on them. You know, like a treasure map to where a fortune in jelly beans is hidden. I could go for that. But then I know if everybody saw it then that wouldn't work either since it would mean way too many people would be looking for the beans.

However that might be a good thing since if they were all out digging up the treasure it would mean fewer crowds on stuff like the freeway and I could live with that. Although i don't think I would like the idea of less crowds if it meant somebody else got all the jelly beans.

In any case I wish before they got all jazzed with these billboards the way they are somebody would ask my opinion. First of all I don't like those billboards that only are good for some people. You know like the ones that advertise products that are only used by say old people.

Seems like if we all have to read them they ought to be about important junk we all get to used and want to use. That is important too, it ought to be about stuff we want to use.

Showing stuff we have to use is like reminding a person to take out the trash as far as I'm concerned. You know you have to do it so why have somebody tell you about it?

And that last thing I want is to see something like that in real big letters up on some huge sign. Like that really helps. It sure doesn't help me.

So how come these dudes who are getting billed to bore people save a little money and stop boring us by taking the time to ask in the first place? Guess if you love spending money on things that bore people then you aren't smart enough to figure that part out anyway.

Oh well I suppose you just can please everyone. Which I think most people have figured out anyway.

I think it would be nice if they at least tried to please a few people instead of boring everyone. That is the part I haven't got figured out.

I suppose I will have to wait till the day comes when I can one of those knuckleheads putting up a new picture on a billboard. I just hope I can get them to listen seeing how they must be really tall to be able to reach those boards anyway given how high off the ground they are located.


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