Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sometimes even I get bored with eating the same wonderful foods. You know burgers, pizza and tacos are all fabulous, but every once and a while, I just want something different.

Now for me different is like finding a new burger joint or pizza place. I mean they might have a new way of grilling a burger. Of course, you know you do have to be careful when you say that though. Because there are places that get really crazy when it comes to how they fix a burger.

I'm sorry, but I prefer mind cooked and smothered in good stuff like ketchup. I don't want to have it fixed some way that makes it look or taste like other than a burger.

And I don't some lame sandwich that somebody says is just as good as a burger. That don't cut it with me. It just down right sucks.

My rule is that if there is no grease stains on the paper wrapper then it wasn't grilled. And that means no of those darn nasty germs were killed that love to hang out in real food.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy sandwiches other than burgers. Some are okay. Peanut butter sandwiches are okay.

The only problem is that it takes a lot of work to make the peanut butter sandwich actually decent. You can't just put some peanut butter on a piece of bread and call it a sandwich.

See the way I figure God did invent peanut butter to be eating in a sandwich without you got a chance to add something else. Don't get me wrong. Peanut butter does taste good. But it is just when you put it on bread it tastes kind of dry. So it just needs help to make it really cool.

For me a decent peanut butter sandwich needs the addition of a good type of jelly like grape so you can get your fruit with it. Then it needs something to give it a little extra zing so it don't get boring. That requires something like a few potato chips on the sandwich. I recommend about say two bag per sandwich once you smash them good.

Then you may have to improve the flavor with something like some hot fudge sauce, a few marshmallows and whatever else with turn that sandwich into a balanced meal. That means it has to weigh enough so it makes you feel full when you eat it.

I guess the important part though with this is the word variety. Your tummy just has a right to get bored as much as anything or anyone else.

And if you work it right then you can actually have your cake and eat it too. (Providing you don't get so big of a slice it won't fit inside the peanut butter sandwich.)


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