Saturday, September 16, 2006


Okay where exactly is this yonder and why is it blue or wild? I mean is this suppose to be a good thing or what?

I feel like it is an important question. After all if this yonder place is cool and lots of fun I sure would enjoy going there. Only I just have no idea if it really is that great.

When I heard somebody talk about it all I know is that they do so when talking about stuff like the Air Force. So I guess that means the place it own by them for some reason. Which means it is probably some kind of airport or military base. Shoot it might even be that secret place nobody is suppose to know about, but everyone knows the name of called Area 51.

I always wondered about that too. I mean is this somehow different from the first 50 areas they must have. But then I known how it is, sometimes you built junk and screw it up so you have to try again. I got to admit 51 times sort of suggests they got a pretty lousy person doing the building, but that ain't my problem.

Anyway, wherever this yonder place is apparently it also involves a bakery. That is because whenever I go to that place where Reverend Analbe has his meetings on Sunday we end up singing a song about when the roll is called up yonder.

And seeing how much that the Reverend loves donuts I reckon it must be a glazed roll or jelly filled. In either case you can bet they must be something if you have to have a waiting list to be called just to get one.

I do wonder though, seeing how it is called the Wild Blue Yonder, if perhaps there are times when the donuts are a little messed up for some reason. Like somebody put something wrong in the mix before they made up batter or cooked them.

That means when you eat it that it makes you a little wild or depressed as in blue. Sounds kind of yucky to me.

So I think for now I won't go out and try to find this yonder place whether it is wild or blue or whatever. Besides, since you have to apparently fly there then I don't want to go just because I don't like flying.

I have felt that way ever since I went on this one place and somebody tried to stuff me into what they called the first ass section. Well hey, I might be a lot of things, but nobody is going to go around calling me a donkey or mule, even if I'm the first one they did that too.

When I made a fuss about it they tried to stick me in what they called coach class. Well shoot I figured they were making that part up since I looked around and didn't see any stagecoach on that plane anywhere. Ever since then I figured I would just not try flying till I found somebody on one of those planes who didn't like to play mean practical jokes.


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