Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Do you know anyone that actually wants a road as a relative? I've know a few people that I would not want to hang out with any more than a road, but I've never met a road I wanted to have as a brother or cousin.

Shoot, I didn't even know that roads needed a family? It wasn't like I had seen any of them looking lonely. But then I have to admit I've not spent much time staring at roads or talking to them either.

Apparently though it is a big deal in some places because I see the signs along the side of a freeway saying some part of the road was adopted by somebody. Makes me wonder if they get some extra benefit somehow for calling that part of the road a member of their family.

All I can say is that it sure would seem kind of tough too me to bring any adopted highway to a family reunion. I mean if you went over and dug it up and took it away wouldn't drivers get kind of pissed when they fell in the hole you left behind?

So what if you decided instead to say have the family reunion over at the part of the highway you adopted? Man how you could do anything fun if you were constantly having to get up to dodge some cars?

Well the one thing I have observed that those adopt a highway signs normally mention the name of some company. Gee I wonder if this is some kind of strange employment deal?

But what kind of work can a highway do? And would you want to make some road you adopted do any work. It could hurt its feelings, providing it actually does have feelings and that is hard to say for sure.

I do wonder if anyone else has given this adopting thing that much thought? I mean in terms of all the questions it might cause.

If they have they haven't bothered to put the information anywhere near the adopt a highway signs, which you would figure would be the best place to check it out. Oh well, maybe the don't really want us to know.

I had thought of asking those dudes who were those orange vests and spend all their time putting orange cones on the road. I thought maybe they would know on this whole deal. I just haven't had a chance to catch up with one of them.

They are kind of friendly though. Whenever I drive near them they wave a red flag to say hi.

Well maybe one of these times I'll be able to find out what the big deal is. Yep, I'll just stop and ask one of those orange vest dudes if that road is his brother. I bet that will get his attention.


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