Friday, September 29, 2006


Well this is one test I don't want to ever take. I mean is this something they do for birds or what?

I already know how I would do. I mean I don't care if you made me a couple of pair of wings, if you pushed my off a roof I ain't going to fly very far.

So that is what I can't figure with this whole thing unless you are talking about taking a test to see what you know about airplanes. You know, like maybe they show you pictures of different things to see if you know, which is a plane and which is something else.

That way if you go to the airport to fly somewhere and somebody tries to pull a fast one by showing you a cow and claiming it is a plane you won't get ripped off on the ticket. I can sort of see how that might be a good idea.

I thought it might be simple though. If it don't have wings, then it ain't a plane. But then I thought of those flying saucer things and figured that might complicate the test to some degree.

Anyway, I guess this is one of those things you only have to worry about if you are flying somewhere. Other wise I guess you don't need to lose any sleep over it. Makes me wonder what they do if you don't pass? Perhaps they only let you ride in the baggage compartment or something. That might be okay providing the stewardess doesn't forget to bring you lunch.

Now one thing I do know is that I ain't flying on any plane with any test pilot. If he ain't already passed that test you can forget it. I'm not risking my butt on flying with some dude that hasn't passed something like know the ground from the sky.

And naturally I ain't flying with any guy who hasn't passed landing yet either. That last thing I would want is to have my body squashed flat as a pancake when he was trying to land and didn't know how to use the air brakes. I think that is sort of important.

But I don't reckon I have any plans on flying any time soon as a rule. We normally don't get to fly to often as grimefighters. Generally the griminals do their messing on the ground and not up in the air.

Which is a good thing since I'm not sure how you use a broom on a cloud. Man I know my arms would never reach that far myself. And I'm not sure anybody else that has arms that long either.

Guess that is another of those test flight questions I'm not going to worry about answering. If I do, maybe I'll go out to the airport and have them let me talk to a pilot. As long as he's not busy taking a test though. Wouldn't want to keep him from passing the part on being sure he knows how to stop.

Thought for the week: "Brand names, brand new, bran muffins and branding. Hopefully, the first three don't require an iron. If someone tries to add an hot iron to those, run!"


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