Thursday, October 05, 2006


How come they call those things on television soap operas when they are never about soap and there is never any singing? Seems like a fair question too me.

I have tried to watch them things, but I never hear them mention any particular kind of soap that they think is important. In fact it is kind of tough to even figure out what kind of cool stuff they are suppose to be selling.

As far as I can tell it would be tough for them to honestly sell much anyway given how the people on those shows just really have so many problems. My goodness it is amazing one person could have that many problems.

Still, they always look clean and stuff so I reckon they do use some kind of good soap. Only whatever it is, they never take the time to tell anyone else.

Plus another thing that confuses me is when I've seen those opera people that always seem like really big types of singers. Yet in those soap operas they are generally younger and ordinary size.

All I can think is that it is the soap that does it too them. Now if soap can make you shrink you would figure they would spend more time telling people about it instead of talking about operations all the time.

At least with the soap opera things they do talk in English instead of whatever language they are using when they are singing in those operas. So maybe being clean with soap only works when you speak English too. Boy is that weird or what?

About the only good thing I can really say is that with those soap opera things you do get to watch them on the television. That is a lot better and easier than having to go some place where you got to dress up in one of those tuxedo things. If I wanted to be a penguin it sure wouldn't be so I could go and sit in some place and listen to somebody singing words I can't understand that's for sure.

But it seems to work for some people. And that is okay I reckon providing you are okay with the choice of sitting around in some place in scratching clothes while some big dude or late sing something I don't understand or sitting at home watching them talk about soap without mentioning soap.

As for me, well I would rather stick with movies. They are always fun when they are about people getting blown up and all.

Can't recall them talking about soap very much though. Guess when you blow things up there isn't much of a point of talking about soap. Kind of defeats the purpose to worry about cleaning stuff up when you want to spend the time making a mess. At least I understand the bad guys getting wiped out in movies. With those other things I'm never sure who is the bad guy.


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