Friday, October 06, 2006


Okay who is the wise guy that decided insects need bombs? Don't we have enough problems in the world without arming cockroaches with something that goes boom?

I have to admit that the first time I heard about this it really pissed me off. I mean man of all the things a person could come up with, why in the world would you want to waste you time on that kind of insanity.'

Plus what in the world are bugs going to do with bombs anyway? Nothing good I imagine.

I also want to know how the heck did the dude get any money for selling some bug a bomb in the first place. You got to wonder. At least I do.

So now that I know there might be some real dangerous bugs out there who could blow up stuff I wonder what is next? Is the same nut going sell bazookas to squirrels, or machine guns to like bunny rabbits?

Seems like far question. After all I sure don't want to be walking down the street some time and have a bunch of bunny rabbits whip out some machine gun and point it at me. That would be totally uncool if you ask me.

I would have thought they would have been happy just getting a few extra carrots. I got no idea what a bug would enjoy having. I sure never thought it would be a bomb.

However, I will admit that somebody else is probably a whole lot more informed on this subject than I am. Which is okay since bugs are exactly my favorite subject.

It is kind of hard to imagine how anybody thinks letting bugs blow up junk would be a good thing. I know there are some crazy people in the world, but I never would have expected some of them to actually want a bug, any bug as a pal. That just is so dang freaky sounding to me.

I've heard it said it takes all kinds to make the world go round. I wonder if that held true for when people thought it was flat.

In any case those weird ones that are in the mood to play blow up with bugs can just go play somewhere else. I would rather not know about it myself.

Since these folks don't wear any signs or have an office I don't reckon I will have to worry about running into them any time soon either. Which is probably a good thing.

Because I sure don't want somebody handing me some bomb and say go over and meet this bug name Charlie and give this to him. Yeah, like I want to do that. Anyway, just passing this on for the heck of it since it might help any of you who might be worried about some cockroach with an attitude.

"How come they call them soap operas when they are only scummy things? I guess you couldn't call them scum operas huh?"


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