Sunday, October 15, 2006


Boy is this a tough problem. I only hear this when they are talking about temporary junk. Which isn't bad if you are talking about stuff that you want to be temporary.

However if you are talking about something you want to last a long time the phrase for the moment is about as helpful and, well, not a whole lot that's for sure. Like too many things this happens mainly to me at STINK.

And too often it happens it seems right in the middle of us planning some assignment. Like they set us up to go after the bad guy griminals and toss us some new secret weapon. Only it isn't much of a secret since we know about it.

I just wish that these super duper secret weapons they gave us really were all that super. Because sometimes they don't work so good. Then it is better if they stay a secret in my opinion.

Most of the time though you just sort of work around them. The only time I get real concerned is if they say this particular weapon is just for the moment. It is like they invented it just for a given assignment.

That would be okay but it almost always means there is something wrong with it. And let me tell you a super duper secret weapon that ends up making you forget who you are and fart uncontrollably is not a weapon I enjoy.

So whenever they shove some new weapon in our face and tell us it is for the moment you can believe I'm not too warmed up to the idea of using it. Which is why I try to find a way to avoid it.

Only problem is when they say for the moment every grimefighter knows the thing will probably suck. So we all take turns coming up with the best excuse for why we can't try it.

Now I'm lucky because my buddy Otis is about the best there is at making crap up. But sadly in these situations sometimes he sort of doesn't always hit a home run.

I guess it is because in the panic the other grimefighters can really be creative. It happens when you are worried about the possibility some dang weapon is going to cause you butt to fall off.

It all translates into the times we get stuck lugging this thing on some assignment. Then for the moment lasts forever till we get back to Headquarters with our bodies still functioning.

After that then we breathe a little easier and for a different kind of moment things are cool. Which is a whole lot better than those other for the moments. Thank goodness they are for the moment and not forever is all I can say.


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