Thursday, October 12, 2006


I tell you people can sure be weird at times. And some of the junk they come up with is truly unbelievable.

I ran into this one dude that wanted to tell me all about his trip to the big apple. I like apples. They are okay for something different. Never thought of them so much in terms of size though. I know some are bigger than others, but I never heard of one so big that you had to go and visit it.

Anyway he decided to show me pictures of his visit to what he called the big apple. I might have appreciated it if I could have seen the apple, big or otherwise.

Only the thing he kept showing me was more about the city of New York. I looked and looked in those pictures and didn't see a stupid apple anywhere.

The only way I can figure it is that this apple was so big that you take a picture of it. Can't imagine why it would be that huge. Maybe they got some kind of special fertilizer for growing it.

What did kind of disappoint me though was despite all his talk about big apples, he didn't even bring home a single slice. I mean if it was that big surely they wouldn't have complained over him taking a little home right?

Apparently it was a big deal or something since he never produced a single bite of apple for me to even enjoy. All he kept doing was going on and on about those things called skyscrapers.

Which is another weird thing too me. I've seen scrapers before like you use to clean frost off of a car windshield, but none of those building had one on top. Plus who needs to scrap the sky anyway?

Unless I reckon the pollution is so bad you can be up that tall without scraping it away. In that case you would figure you just build those buildings not so tall.

Meanwhile, while he seem impressed with the Big Apple, I wasn't. It was hard to get excited since he never did even explain why it was so big or even what it tasted like.

I don't imagine I'll have to worry about talking to him for a while though. After we chatted and I started asking questions he suddenly had to leave to meet someone. He had given me his phone number, but I guess he forgot to pay the bill since it was disconnected by the time I called it.

Well perhaps I'll run into him another time. Maybe by then he will actually manage to get a few real pictures of apples instead of those buildings. I hope so. It would be kind of fun to see that apple just to know he wasn't making that part up. People are wierd about that sort of thing at times.


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