Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I think this is simple enough. If you don't know the way, you won't know the how either. Because the how'in part always kind of goes with the way part. Sort of like peanut butter and jelly. Um with bananas and potato chips too I suppose to be technical about it.

So the way I see it this really isn't a big problem to figure out. Now why given it is easy to understand do some people end up saying 'no way, no how?"

It sure beats the heck out of me. Shoot the time I notice this being said the most is over at STINK when somebody is being asked to do something.

Now if what they are being asked to do is kind of dumb and stupid they always comment "no way, no how." It just of kind of bugs me that is all.

Because you would figure them dudes would easily understand that all you have to say is "can't do it." Or maybe it is more like "can't find it." Then we wouldn't have to waste time with the now how part.

I did mention that on a couple of occasions when I heard it, but I guess I had bad timing or something. That's because even though I didn't smell it, from the weird look that the person got I'm sure somebody cut one.

It does kind of annoy me to have to always help people understand simple stuff. Man it is exhausting working with so many people that are slow learners.

I can't tell you the number of times when I have to do this. And from the way they react I got to tell you these people really do have learning problem. At least it seems like it considering how much they just have trouble getting it.

Still, I do try to make allowances for the fact that people are different. Well okay, I should say that is how Otis calls it. As for myself I'm not sharing what allowance I get with anybody. He can say that if he wants since his allowance comes in Spam and nobody wants any of it as a rule except him.

But with jelly beans it is different man. I know them dudes over at STINK, if I was making my allowance with them, they would be a bunch of greedy rats and eat all of them.

In the meantime, I think I need to spend more time getting books or something that have all the "hows" in it. That way when somebody says no way, I can pull out the book and give it to them so they will know the way.

Maybe I ought to get an encyclopedia. Although I would only need the W and H. I'm sure those would have all the hows and whys somewhere. I wonder if you can buy just a W and H volume of some encyclopedia? I guess I can all up and ask the dude at the library. He's not very friendly at times though. Generally he gets kind of cranky after I ask him some questions. That is probably because he ate something he didn't enjoy I reckon.


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