Thursday, October 19, 2006


Okay, I can bet nobody is able to figure how any of these three things could go together. And that is the problem, if you don't know you are missing some important stuff.

There are just some things in life that I figure are more important than others. Only they don't always seem that way till you have the kind of emergency where nothing else will do.

For me onions and brownies are like that as are tourniquets. I mean you hardly ever worry or think about a tourniquet unless you need one. And what I don't like is when I'm told I don't need one and I figure the person isn't really informed. I still say a tourniquet is important for stuff like a nose bleed. But my buddy Otis keeps insisting it doesn't work that way.

As for the brownies and onions, heck aren't there just times where nothing works as well as a big chewy brownie or some nice hot onion rings. I call those "help I'm dying here" emergencies.

French fries are cool and most of the time enough for when you are eating a burger, but sometimes you just truly need something different. That's what I think they invented onion rings for.

Those are extra cool even though I never seen any onion shaped like a ring so I figure they must grow a special kind just for onion rings. Pity since it might be fun to work on how you could use them for other things like coasters.

Anyway then there are brownies. Cakes and donuts are great, but there are times you just got to have that chewing brownie that fills in the gap.

So you see all three of these things are important in their own way. Now one of these days I'm going to be sure they get the respect they deserve too.

I'm thinking that I might come up with say an onion ring that tastes like a brownie that you can use as a tourniquet or at least looks like one. It might be extra useful for something like if you had a bakery emergency and needed some kind of special first aid.

The real cool part would be later when you didn't need the tourniquet any longer. Then you could say have it for dessert.

I suppose that would be providing you hadn't gotten blood all over it. Red sort of could be mistaken for icing or ketchup I suppose and you don't need that.

Now all I got to do is convince Otis that this is an idea worth checking out more. That would mean buying lots of onion rings and brownies. I guess we could make a few tourniquets.

But I reckon Otis will say no. There are times he sort of doesn't appreciate my creativity.


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