Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I love hearing secrets. It's always so cool to think you know something extra special not everyone else knows.

Most of the time I can't wait to share them too. Boy does that help with when conversations get kind of boring over in STINK's lunch room.

That is unless the darn person mentions this secret is just between you and me. Which basically means if you tell anyone I'm bash you.

And depending on what kind of secret it happens to be it can be really tough having to not tell anyone else. I'm just glad most of the time they don't mention those words though.

Because let me tell you there are times when my tongue sure can be dumb and stupid. I just sit there feeling like some simmering pot that is ready to blow. Then the next thing I know, whammo, I got diarrhea of the mouth big time.

Oh I hate myself later naturally, but at that moment I just feel so much better knowing I don't have to keep that one thing secret any more. And it is a good feeling that last right up till the next time I see the person who said that dreaded just between you and me.

Yep, I'm just very grateful that I don't get told that very often any longer. Actually I don't see the people who I ended up blowing it on some secret that often. And I guess their lives are getting pretty dull. Because lately they never bother to even mention any secrets. At least none that they mention that part about between you and me.

So perhaps it won't come up again anyway. Which would be my luck. It is kind of shame since I did enjoy those times a whole lot when there was some of those between you and me.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to learn to pass the time doing what I did before we had very many of those between you and me type of conversations. I used to have to spend the time passing on what I would overhear in the halls and men's room.

That was not as much fun because people seem to always claim I didn't hear them right. Hey, when I hear somebody claim their brother was eaten by a giant booger shaped like a peanut, I figure somebody ought to know about it.

I mean the nerve of those guys trying to claim he didn't say giant booger and was saying something about why can't we have fun more. Yeah, like I'm going to believe that one.

They can claim that all they want. Meanwhile, I got a giant handkerchief sitting in the supply closet just in case that giant booger just show up and decides to smear everyone with snot. Then after that, well I guess maybe we will see who was really hearing it right.


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