Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I always here about these National whatever days where you are suppose to take somebody to lunch to tell them how great you think they are. We're talking things like National Secretary Day. Which is cool you know if you happen to be a secretary. but how come they never have any of these National whatever days for things other than the usual junk?

It sort of brought to mind the idea that these days would be great to have for things you otherwise never thing of as needing a day. Like for example, what about all the cute and fuzzy animals that live in the forest?

I mean we are told how we are supposed to be more kind to animals. So wouldn't it be wonderful if we could say treat them to a nice lunch?

Yeah, I mean beavers are supposed hard working animals. And they have a reputation for stuff like being real ambitious. You always hear of those eager beavers.

That might be fun to sit down in some burger joint and see if that beaver could show off why they are so eager. Might be good for a few laughs.

Anyway, I came up with a whole list of animals that you might want to include. A deer or two. Maybe some squirrels or raccoons.

I think I would have to be careful adding skunks though. Unless you could be sure ou were standing down wind. Those skunks could be kind of unpredictable.

And once we take care of all the animals we might try to branch out to stuff like trees and plants or perhaps rocks. Course since I don't imagine rocks eat very much I don't reckon taking them to lunch would be a good idea.

Still, I like idea of having all kinds of these take somebody different to lunch or dinner ro whatever. Not sure how you work out what kind of food they all love to eat. Can't imagine they all love burgers and fries.

I reckon you could order like one of everything on the menu to be safe. I mean seeing how this is a holiday it might be extra great to have the government pay for meal. Shoot they are always raising money of other stuff so why not this?

Well, I imagine if I tell my buddy Otis about this idea he'll find some reason not to like it. Which is why I decided to test it out for myself. So since I could get to the forest, I went by the pet store and got me a couple of mice.

Then I went over to STINK where I work and figured I would see how the secretaries did and showing the mice how to appreciate little animals. Boy I can't wait tell they open the drawers to their desks and see those mice in there. I bet it will make them so happy. Then I can ask them how they liked it. I imagine it will get me a nice reaction.


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