Tuesday, October 31, 2006


You always hear about people who ask the question, what's up? Which I think is kind of an unfair question considering you never know if somebody always has something up in their lives at that moment.

What if the worse situation occurs and instead the only have something down going on? Asking them what's up could be really depressing and nobody needs that.

So perhaps to be more sensitive to people who you aren't sure have something up you could ask them what's not up. You know to show you care and all without showing you really have no idea if they are having a good time or not.

That way if they started out with what was not up and then by chance had something cool that was up they could tell you that. It seems a much better way to deal with it from my point of view.

I mainly say that because over at STINK where I work even though we are a cool and happening bunch of dudes there are times when not much is up. Well, that is providing you don't count people's weight. But that is one kind of up that we normally don't talk about since it ain't the kind of up that makes people all that smiley face.

Still, there are times when something is up. So when we get together at lunch and what not we do occasionally like to know if something is new.

About the only time we don't honestly want to do that is when Truly Grimey is fixing lunch. That is because with her cooking the one thing that probably is going to be up is the food she cooks after everyone barfs. And that is definitely not the kind of up that we love talking about too much.

Anyway, that is why we sort of got around to the other option at STINK of asking, what's not up. That way somebody can talk about the stuff that bores the heck out of them and we can always just nod.

Man, let me tell you though the one thing I do hate is when on rat boy, Junior Hemoglobin decides to join the conversation. Talk about having no clue on what is decent in terms of up, he sure is a champ at that.

I'm sorry, but you know to me learning about some new cheese he found in his cheese addicts catalogue doesn't excite me. That dude is absolutely nuts about cheese, but it doesn't mean I love it or any of the other people who are at STINK.

With him we never ask what's up. We don't even ask what's not up. You can be guaranteed with him it will end up always being about cheese in some way and that doesn't work for the rest of us.

I'm just glad when he's out at the restroom and can't ask us. Normally it is when one of those new flavor's of cheese turns out to be less that agreeable with his tummy. And that is one what's up that always makes the rest of us smile.


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