Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Personally, I'm not much of a gambling. I mean in terms of like playing games such as poker. I might have given it some thought if it wasn't for this misunderstanding I had when I got a chance to play.

See somebody invited me to play poker, but didn't explain it was a card game. So I thought they meant a poker like the kind you use on a fireplace. I showed up at the guy's house holding the poker I bought. And I didn't want him to think I was dumb or something so when he opened the door I poked him real good with my poker.

He didn't seem to appreciate my trying to fit in I guess. Because he never invited me back anyway. Which was sort of okay since he and those other guys were always talking weird about some relative of theirs. I had no idea why they wanted to aunty up. They never said where they were going to up this aunt, but she wasn't there so I guess it didn't matter too much.

Anyway, I understand some people like to bet on horses. I heard they get all excited about deciding whether to bet wind, space or grow. Now I got no idea what any of those things have to do with horses, but apparently you can bet on them just the same.

I haven't gone to any of these places where they race these horses, but I hear they have a place they call off track betting. I suppose that is somewhere that they use to have something like say a train that ran off the track and caused a big mess. So instead now they let you bet on horses there. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but it apparently works for some people.

And I guess in between the times they spend betting somebody also loves to read. Because I heard this one guy talking about betting and how he knew the person there make book a lot. Seems strange they would need to spend time making their own books when you can buy them in lots of places already fixed.

But I guess if you want something to stay extra good for a while it makes sense you would want to make it into a book. I never heard what the kinds of books they prefer though.

I reckon it might be a book about horses. I mean if you are going to spend all your time being around where they race horses I suppose it would be a good thing to read up on them.

Not having been to any horse races I'm not really clear how far the horses race. I also wonder if they make them wear those weird underwear like you see athletes wear. I reckon if the horses don't mine I wouldn't either.

Oh well, I suppose I won't lose too much sleep over it. And as far as betting goes, well I think I do all my betting at the candy store. That way at least if I spend my money betting jelly beans will still taste like jelly beans I will always win.


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