Sunday, November 12, 2006


What is the deal with dancing anyway? I mean you walk out on some big floor crowded with a whole lot of other people and then you start jumping around to the sound of music.

This is suppose to be fun I guess. And apparently even more so if you have a partner. Now my buddy, Otis, and I have done all kinds of cool stuff together, but there is no way we are going to take up dancing together. You can forget that idea if you even thought it, which I hope you didn't.

I tried watching some people doing this dancing thing once. It didn't seem like it was all that much fun too me.

First of all they guys had to wear these weird looking suits call tuxedoes. It made them all look like a bunch of penguins. That is a good thing?

Then there we the ladies. They were all dressed in these fancy dresses and had on those shoes with real high heels. Can it possibly be the least bit comfortable to walk around in those things.

Well I watched them stand around then take some time to do what they called dancing. It didn't impress me very much. Just seemed like a way to get all hot and sweaty while wearing something uncomfortable.

About the only thing I did notice that seem cool was that afterwards they went over and had some punch and cookies. Now that part made sense.

But I figured I'd be smarter than them. So I skipped the whole penguin look and hopping around and just went for the refreshments.

Seemed like I had just a good time that way. But then I don't know, they didn't seem to complain too much about the dancing.

I guess seeing how they were stuck wearing those lame penguin duds they didn't want to admit they were unhappy. So I couldn't blame them for pretending they were enjoying themselves.

I did try talking to this one guy. You know I tried to let him know that I was aware of what was really going on.

Seeing how he was dressed like a penguin I figured maybe I would talk about fish seeing how I know how penguins eat them. I tried to be nice and all, but I didn't get the impression that he was all that talkative.

But then seeing how I was happy and wearing my beanie and sneakers, I guess I could appreciate how he would be sort of jealous. I guess he spread the word to the others because after we had our chat he just sort of hung out with the others and none really seemed to want to talk much. You got to feel sorry for them to some degree.


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