Friday, November 10, 2006


Okay, I get this. It means you get to go in somewhere that might charge, but you don't have to pay anything.

I can't help wondering though, if they aren't charging you for something they should charge for does it mean something is wrong? It is sort of like you know how they charge less for cans missing labels than for the ones with labels. The only problem is you got no idea on what is inside so you could end up getting something really crappy and that ain't a good thing.

The way I figure it I never pass up a chance for something free. I just want to make sure they ain't no catch. Say like once you get inside they want to zap you with some big expense for something else.

It is kind of like those deals where try to sell you something where you buy one and get one free. Now what if all I want is the free one? I mean shoot if they are going to give it to you for free then what is the big deal about expecting you to buy something first.

Plus you know I got to wonder also about if there is a place where they make you think it is free admission so you will go inside even though in reality it isn't a place worth seeing. After all they don't charge admission for stuff like going to the emergency room, but I doubt it would be a fun place to hang out from my point of view.

So I reckon that free admission is only a big deal when it counts towards places that you really want to go. And dang it all when they say free then it better apply to everything there. Otherwise it ain't really being free.

I hate to be picky on this, but the other day, my buddy Otis came home with these two free passes to the theater. I can't recall him mentioning where he got them, but I sure thought it was a cool deal.

So we went over to the theater and sure enough they let us in with no problem. But then I'm thinking well free should me free so that ought to apply to other junk too. Would you belief that the dude in the snack bar was do dang rude he wouldn't honor that pass when I asked for a couple of snacks?

I'm not talking a lot here, just a couple giant pop corns, two jumbo popcorns, six hot dogs, fifteen boxes of candy and a dozen bags of peanuts. Shoot I only asked for one straw. So I figured I did my part to be reasonable.

You would have thought it would have been enough to make that dude happy, but NOOO. He just sat there and demanded money for the snacks.

I tell you I sure did make fuss over his welching out on the free thing. At least I did get to see a movie for fee. But then I took the same coupon back the next night and they said I couldn't use it again. Talk about being other than fair! I tell you some people sure need a lesson on the subject of free.

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: "How come they call it 'Social' Security if they don't offer you lots of parties to go with the other junk? Sure doesn't seem that social to me."


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