Sunday, November 19, 2006


Um I already talked about the crazy people who blame getting lost on their wheel bearings. But for the smart people who don't want to do that they can at times need help with finding places.

Now perhaps we need to start with really understanding what is meant by bearings. The word I think is first about bears. After all that is the first part of the word so they sure wouldn't start with it unless it was pretty dang important.

Which means that getting lost is a bear of a problem. And ing as in inning means its going to last till you finish striking out from looking in the wrong direction.

So getting your bearings means you finally got that bear under control that makes being lost such a pain. And ing counts for the end of an inning where you are going to get a chance to head for the locker room or dug out and then can feel relaxed again.

I just hope making that all clear for all of you is a good thing. I just don't want to worry that some of you are still out there getting your bearings because you didn't find that bear of a direction you were looking for.

The other thing you need to remember is that if you are getting desperate and decide to ask for directions then it is important that you make sure the person giving you the answer is facing north. That is because you can only count on them telling the truth if they are facing in that direction, which is why they call it true north.

Now fair is fair I guess, they don't call the other directions liars so I can say you will never be able to count on the other ones being truthful, but you just know for sure that if you want truth guaranteed they better be facing north.

I figure passing that part on is important so it will help those out there who might get confused on the bearing thing. I know it ought to be easy to figure, but there ain't any guarantees.

So now that everyone is straight on that subject I will sleep better knowing fewer people will end up lost and then have to worry about whether somebody is lying when giving them directions. Now if by chance you re unsure, which was is north, then just remember the rule about the sun setting.

The sun sets near my left side and rises near my right side. Just make sure you check to see which way it is setting to figure that out. That is unless, say, you are perhaps inside of a building.

Then you can look for some moss on somebody's knees. Or is it from a sneeze. Well in any case if you see some moss then you'll know that north is somewhere, which is better than you were off earlier. I hope all that makes sense. And will help you getting those bearings, wherever you need to find a bear.


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