Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Okay my question is if all the world is a stage, where are all the bathrooms? And how come we don't get an intermission some time?

Plus if the world is a stage then who wrote the script? Is somebody going to tell me that things make sense they way they are all the time? If all this stupid junk is intentional then all I can say is the writer is sure nuts.

The other thing you have to wonder about is the exits. I don't find them either. And if there are some are they near the bathrooms I can't find either? That would be my luck.

I bet nobody else would think of the question of curtains either. Do you realize how big them suckers would have to be to cover the whole earth? It ain't like you can just mosey down to the local store and order a pair that easy.

Nope, I think the person who talked about the whole world being a stage wasn't just making it up. Probably thought it sounded good.

All I want to find out is where is the snack bar. I mean if the whole world is a stage then there should be one heck of a big snack bar somewhere. And if it is really big I can just imagine their idea of a big size would be even bigger too.

Then too I got to wonder is are we all suppose to be like players on this stage? If so who is in the audience or are we suppose to take turns?

Also I understand that actors are supposed to get paid. So far nobody has bother to send me a check. Well except this one guy who claimed he mailed me a refund on this ant farm I bought on the internet that didn't have any ants. Guess it must be taking a while. I reckon six months isn't that long for the mail to take is it?

Anyway, I was thinking that actors do belong to some gulp or guild thing. Not sure how you pronounce it. I only know that nobody ask me to join so far.

I probably try calling Hollywood and checking with somebody out there. At least they might say let's do lunch. So maybe I would get something to eat out of the deal and that would be a good thing.

You just never know with this kind of thing where they put that stupid stage goodie. I hate to think how it might have been left somewhere and forgotten.

Or perhaps somebody just got plain tired from lugging it around. I reckon that is where they get the name stage hand. Kind of like when you arm goes to sleep, only different.

Yep, you just never know for sure with this stage thing. All I know is they better not tel me I'm going to wear some stupid make up. Ain't nobody messing with my underwear no matter how much they say it makes things look better.


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