Saturday, November 25, 2006


I got a feeling this mainly deals with going to the movie with they got a discount going on. You know it is like you get one movie for the usual money, but two for two showing up when there is a really cool movie on that everyone wants to see.

The thing is that I know going to the movies can be sure, but I never thought ones about horses were all that popular. Oh I heard all about the one movie they made about some horse called Teabiscuit. I don't have any idea what the big deal is about a horse running around some track or anything, but somebody decided it would make a cool movie.

I guess the important thing was that he had this big race against this other horse, or I guess it was a horse called Man of Bore or something like that. Anyway that other horse or whatever probably had a problem because he was supposedly a triple crown winter.

It sounds like a pretty stupid prize to me. I don't care how many crowns you got if they are cold as winter I figure they wouldn't be worth wearing.

Now if this other horse was weighed down by wearing three of them, I could see where he might have trouble doing much running.

Which makes the fact that he got beat by this Teabiscuit kind of phony in my opinion, but that is my opinion. At least I have trouble figuring out why it would be such a good thing to make a movie over some race like that.

Oh well, what can I say? I reckon that entertainment comes in all forms. So if that works for somebody then who am I to complain?

What is kind of hard for me to figure is how come you know so many people end up losing their wallets or whatever when going to watch a movie about horses? That seems kind of odd, but I've heard these guys I never even knew went to a movie talking about losing a fortune watching the ponies run. I figure he ought to be more careful with his wallet.

As for me, well I suppose I will always be looking forward to seeing movies, even ones about horses. Only I sure hope they have some times when they show something other than horse movies.

Unless you got one where the horse is running around blow up junk. But then seeing how he does have to wear those big iron shoes, I kind of doubt he could sneak up on people very easy to blow them up.

Then maybe seeing how they could be extra fast when racing and all it might work. But I ain't going to bet on it myself.

From what I hear some others do. Weird huh? People betting on a movie about horses? Guess it doesn't take much to make some people happy.


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